HackTheBox University CTF 2022 - AESWCM Writeup

Details This challenge was given to the HackTheBox University CTF 2022. It was a crypto challenge of medium difficulty. The source code is given Description Few people on this planet studied wandlore. It was known that the wand selects the wizard, but a good wand seller should be able to guess it with at most 3 suggestions. During the 190th Great Wizard Examination, the last question was created by Olivender, the greatest wand seller of all time....

2022-12-05 · 2 min · Hiumee

HackTheBox University CTF 2022 - Sacred Scroll's Revenge Writeup

Details This challenge was given to the HackTheBox University CTF 2022. It was a pwn challenge of easy difficulty. A server is running for this challenge and the binary running on it and libc files are given. Description Each house on the campus has its secret library to store spells or spellbound messages so the others cannot see them. Messages are encrypted and must be signed by the boy who lived, turning them into sacred scrolls otherwise they are not accepted in this library....

2022-12-05 · 6 min · Hiumee